New Board of Directors elected at the General Meeting

The alumni association of Hof University of Applied Sciences is under new management: at an extraordinary general meeting, the members elected Prof. Dr. Oliver Schuster as the new chairman. Together with Michael Bitzinger (Deputy Chairman) and Aniane Vocke (Treasurer), he will steer the fortunes of “hochschule hof alumni e.V.” in future.

The election marked the end of the long term of office of Prof. Dr. Ronald Hechtfischer, who has shaped the association since its foundation almost 20 years ago. University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann paid tribute to his outstanding commitment:

“The Alumni Association in its current size and importance is primarily thanks to him. He has built up and shaped the life of the association with great dedication.”

Prof. Hechtfischer himself looks back on the development of the association with satisfaction:
“I am proud of the fact that we now have over 450 members and are on a solid financial footing. I particularly remember our big homecoming events, where over 300 alumni returned to their university. It was always a pleasure to see the many grateful faces.”

Hechtfischer emphasized the necessary international orientation of the association as a challenge for the future:
“With over 30% international students, we need to think bigger and create new platforms that combine regional and global alumni work. I hope that even more alumni will get actively involved to support the university.”

He wishes his successor Prof. Dr. Oliver Schuster and the entire new Executive Board every success and perseverance:
“Alumni work is Sisyphean work – but it’s worth it. I am confident that our association will continue to grow and flourish in the future.”

The Alumni Association would like to thank Prof. Dr. Ronald Hechtfischer for his impressive work and looks forward to a successful future under the new leadership!