What we do
Active networking of graduates
of Hof University of Applied Sciences
We offer a platform for active networking from which you can benefit both professionally and privately. As a member of the association, you will learn about the latest developments at Hof University of Applied Sciences, share practical knowledge, intensify your contacts and can play an active role in shaping the association.
Register as a member of the alumni hochschule hof e.V. association! Take advantage of the opportunities for networking and exchanging experiences! Get involved in the network and help to maintain lifelong friendships!
News from the Hof University of Applied Sciences Alumni Association
Whether graduate,
or employee
– our association actively connects you with the university and a lively community. Stay informed, exchange knowledge and make valuable contacts. Become part of the alumni hochschule hof e.V. and help shape the network!
The “Homecoming” of the Hof University of Applied Sciences Alumni Association brings together alumni, students and employees. Networks are cultivated, experiences shared and contacts made in a relaxed atmosphere. You can look forward to exciting lectures, workshops and a sociable social program!
Graduation ceremony
The Alumni Association’s graduation ceremony honors the successes of our graduates. With a festive supporting program, personal congratulations and networking opportunities, we celebrate this special milestone together and welcome the alumni to the alumni network.